Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cunchy Cons

I read the book Crunchy Cons by Dallas Morning News columnist Rod Dreher over the weekend. Wow! What a read! He writes about "crunchy conservatism," essentailly a renewal movement within the conservative tradition to eschew the "modernist" conservatism of comtemporary Republicanism in favor of reembracing the traditionalist conservatism like that advocated by Russell Kirk. My own political sensibilities are eclectic (or even "anarchic" in the sense in which that term is used in political philosophy) yet I found in Dreher and those whose stories he tell in his book folks with whom I sense I could talk (really talk, not just trade slogans and shibboleths with one another) and ally myself at many points.While there remain things we might not ever agree about (e.g. I am a pacifist and Dreher is not; it is not clear to me that the emphasis on "family" in his book does not preempt the centrality of the church as the primary "family" to which we belong and thus teeter on the edge on one version of idolizing "hearth and home"), nonetheless I think we could find substantial common ground to work on.

Two main arguments of Dreher's book are dead-on:

1. He argues that the findamental divide in our country is not between "liberal" and "conservative" but rather between those (on the right or the left, or the center for that matter) who believe in the vision and values of modernity and those (again on the right, left or center) who do not. If this is correct, as I believe it is, might it not be possible for those of us who deplore and resist modernity and its consequences to begin conversations that might at least dream at forming some sort of alternative to the bankrupt and dysfunctional two party system with which we are currently saddled. It is a conversation definitely worth having, in my view!

2. Dreher and friends are attempting to form their families (and evetually communities) into centers of resistance to the consumeristic materialism that is eroding not only the creation we have been gifted with to steward but our souls as well). What touched my heart in the stories Dreher tells is that these are folk willing and intentional about shaping their and their families lives in accord with their core convictions, making the sacrifices necessary to do that, and finding in that life so ordered deep fulfilment. They are doing what the church should be doing but is not not and seems not to want to do!

Well, read the book! It's well worth your time. And may the tribe of "crunchy cons" increase! And may the rest of us, wherever we find ourselves theologically and politically become "crunchy" if not conservative. And may we find each other and begin to talk!



Neal Locke said...

I agree that the two party system seems to be growing more and more dysfunctional each election cycle. It's gotten to the point where I can't really tell that much difference between major candidates anymore, and the ones who make sense to me are the fringe candidates in *both* parties.

Would you say that what the author of this book is attempting to do has a feel of neo-monasticism to it?

Lee said...

Yes, Dreher even uses the language of monasticism and references Benedict. It's not the same as the "new monasticism" movement but certainly shares a similar spirit and sense of need for this kind of intentional commitment.


anglibyerian said...

I have just finished "reading" (in the sense that it was an audiobook and I was dialoguing with it on a trip to/from Austin) "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama. He agrees that the two party system is dysfunctional, asserts that the extremes in each party have hijacked their party, and calls for all persons to become more "empathic" of the others' assertions and ideas. Perhaps some of Obama's moderate leanings make him fringe to what has become the "Democratic Party". I don't know.

But I heard some of these same stories in his writing: families, communities (even church communities) and other organized groups that are eschewing consumerism and self-centered thinking in favor of what is best for the community. A turn from "me" to "us".

I look forward to this read. Can I borrow your copy!

Lee said...

Sure. Margaret is reading it now. You can have it after she is done. I need to reaad Obama's book. Thanks for the prod to do that.
